Python has flourished in recent years, thanks to the surge in technology and digitalization. This growth has significantly expanded Python’s role across various sectors. Today, Python developers are in higher demand than ever before, with job opportunities increasing in areas ranging from gaming to web applications. To succeed in Python developer interviews, candidates need to be well-prepared in this domain. Many IT training institutes, like Itvedant, offer specialized curricula to ensure their students are industry-ready. Itvedant even guarantees 100% job placement after completing their master’s courses.

If you’re on the path to becoming a Python developer, the following information will be incredibly useful. We’ll be exploring common Python interview questions and answers to help you succeed in your interviews.

Let’s dive into the most frequently asked basic Python interview questions.

Basic Interview Questions:

Here we will learn about the most frequently asked Python interview questions for freshers.

1. What is Python?

Python, created by Guido van Rossum, was first introduced on February 20, 1991. It is an object-oriented, general-purpose programming language known for its dynamic semantics. Python is widely used for software development, version control, management, and testing. Additionally, it is recognized as an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language.

2. What are the key features of Python?

  • Readability: Python’s syntax is simple and straightforward, making it easy to use and understand, which enhances its readability.
  • Large Ecosystem: Python has a vast standard library with numerous modules and functions that can perform a wide range of tasks.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Python is a cross-platform language, running smoothly on multiple operating systems such as Windows, macOS, Linux, and more.
  • Integration Capabilities: Python can easily integrate with other languages like C, C++, and Java, making it versatile and efficient for various programming tasks.

3. How can we detect Python statistical programs and bugs?

  • Test your code: Always thoroughly check your code to identify and fix any logical bugs.
  • Use tools: Various tools like PyChecker, NumPy, and SciPy can help you find bugs or defects in your data.
  • Use a debugger: A debugger allows you to go through your code line by line and examine the value of different variables at various points during execution.

4. Define the word lambda?

A lambda function is a simple way to pass a small, unnamed function as an argument to another function. It defines an anonymous function using the keyword ‘lambda’, followed by its input arguments and a colon (:).

5. What are modules in Python?

A module is an object with a name that you can reference or assign to other things. It can encapsulate code, variables, or functions, and it may also include runnable code. By grouping related code into modules, we improve functionality, reusability, and maintainability.

6. What are decorators in Python?

In Python, decorators are a powerful and useful tool that allow you to modify or enhance the behavior of functions or methods without permanently modifying them. Decorators are typically used to extend the functionality of functions and methods in a clean, readable, and reusable way.

7. What is the difference between Deep Copy and Shallow Copy?

In Python, decorators are a powerful and useful tool that allow you to modify or enhance the behavior of functions or methods without permanently modifying them. Decorators are typically used to extend the functionality of functions and methods in a clean, readable, and reusable way.

8. What is the dogpile effect in Python? How to prevent the same?

  • The “dogpile effect” happens when a cache expires, causing many threads to hit the website at the same time. This creates unnecessary load on the system as multiple threads try to regenerate the same value simultaneously.
  • To prevent the dogpile effect, locking mechanisms can be used. These locks allow only one thread to regenerate the value while others wait. Once the new value is generated, the lock is released. This ensures the cache doesn’t get overloaded, even if it has expired.

9. How is memory managed in Python?

Python manages memory automatically using several techniques such as garbage collection, reference counting, and a memory allocator. The CPython interpreter handles memory management to ensure efficient resource allocation and utilization.

Knowing technical Python interview questions and answers is essential, but here are additional points to help you stand out in your interview:

  • Understand the basics of data structures, including mutable types (like lists, dictionaries, and sets) and immutable types (like tuples).
  • Be able to review and compare complex data structures with other abstract data structures.
  • Be prepared to identify, understand, and solve errors in data structures and translate solutions into code that functions independently.
  • Have a basic grasp of generators and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
  • Be ready to write code on a whiteboard or paper.
  • Having basic knowledge of other programming languages like C++, Java, Swift, and others can create a positive impression, showing versatility beyond Python.

10. How to create a constructor in Python programming?

That concludes our Python interview questions. We hope you found them helpful for your Python programming interview. If you’re eager to dive deeper into Python and become a master in the field, there are abundant opportunities to expand your knowledge and explore further. Itvedant offers an excellent Python full-stack developer course designed to prepare students for job readiness and success in their careers.


That concludes our Python interview questions. We hope you found them helpful for your Python programming interview. If you’re eager to dive deeper into Python and become a master in the field, there are abundant opportunities to expand your knowledge and explore further. Itvedant offers an excellent Python full-stack developer course designed to prepare students for job readiness and success in their careers.